
Sensors and Actuators

Chinese PIR Sensors

We have some PIR sensors from China with no identification markings. This makes it a bit difficult to find a datasheet for them. This labelled picture may be of use to those attempting to make use of them.Chinese PIR Sensor Pinout

Sensors and Actuators

The accepted work flow with sensors and actuators is to look up the datasheet before doing anything else. Sometimes this is problematic, impossible or otherwise fruitless. We will be posting information here that might otherwise be ellusive.

Sensor Actuator Diagram

X-Y Plotter Documentation

In case you need an X-Y plotter to build your next project with, previous students have kindly supplied the documentation below.


For the design use we used this:

vigotec Installation Manual
And some commands you could send to it:
for moving in x and y axis
userial.println("?$J=G91 Y" + NUMBEROFSTEPS + " F5000");
userial.println("?$J=G91 X" + NUMBEROFSTEPS + " F5000");
for reset
userial.println("?G0 X0 Y0");
all of this requires the USBHost_t36.h  (A Teensy 3.6 was used for this project)

Prioritized staff list

Staff lists are temporarily unavailable. We are working on a solution. For the time being, employees can be searched for here: